Animal Wisdom
Can you imagine what it would be like if you lived amongst wild animals? You might run into a tiger or a bear on your way to school. Or have an eagle roost in your attic. Sounds silly. Doesn't it? You might suspect that most animals would not appreciate living outside of their natural habitat and under the city lights, anymore than you would enjoy sleeping out on the limb of a tree.

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Most animals live in the wild in their own particular habitat. Some live in the water, others in forests, deserts, plains, and mountains. Some spend most of their time in the sky and others underground burrowing and digging their home inside the earth. A few like cats and dogs live in our homes with us and are our special companions. What most of us don't know is that animals live in our hearts, because we are all connected in a mysterious way.

The elders of almost every indigenous tribe on earth believe that we are all a part of a great dream that the Creator envisioned. A big dream where man and animal would live together connected, serving each other in the balance of life. Animals were on earth before man, setting the stage for a creative miracle. This miracle is called evolution. Species of animals changed, grew and evolved in order to refine the chain of life on earth. And when humans arrived, the animals were here to serve us. We were expected to honor and respect their lives and what they had to teach and to give to us. And we were to give thanks for their intelligent ways as much as our own.

Some animals give of themselves, their bodies, so that man may have food. Others show us through their animal behavior something that is also true for us. They teach us animal wisdom. They show us how we can honor our unique gifts and talents amongst others who are unique too. Animals are our wise brothers and sisters. They have a lot to tell us and advice to give. We learn through their wisdom when we listen with our hearts.

Can you imagine what it would be like to talk to the animals? Like Dr. Doolittle, helping sick animals to heal. Or talking with Mr. Ed or the GEICO Gecko. What a gas! Life would definitely be more interesting.

Some people do communicate with animals, but in a little different way than you and I talk to each other. They listen through their intuition and make room in their hearts. They listen with love and can hear the messages that the animals want everyone to understand. These are special people who have special abilities. They honor animals as much as they honor humans. These generous people often work hard to protect animals in their natural environments. It is their life mission to ensure that animals are treated humanely and that their homes are protected.

Too many species of animals are endangered because man has disrespected them and their homes on earth. Their lives are threatened and their habitats destroyed by pollution, construction and the invasion of too many people onto their homelands. Animals like the bald eagle and gray wolf have been forced out of their habitats and almost eradicated in some places. Some animals are put in zoos. Not a great habit to live in. They suffer in captivity.

It is important to acknowledge life on earth as including the varieties and species of animals that were here before us. If we are to consider ourselves as good earthlings, we need to honor the Creator's creatures too and protect their lives as well as their homes.

The intelligence of animals is something that we can all learn from. Their behaviors in the wild can offer examples of how we can all live in harmony with everything and everyone. Many animals live in groups and teach us about getting along with others. Others prowl at night displaying how we can see into the dark places within ourselves where we often hide our fears and unhappy feelings. Some animals like lions and tigers have become symbols of leadership and pride. While others, like Pandas and Possums, teach us about kindness. The language animals speak can only be understood when our heart is open. Then their messages will come to us in our dreams.

Animal wisdom is something we can all understand. Your animal allies are with you now ready to begin your adventure. You can have many wild and fantastic journeys with them, when you greet each day knowing they are at your side.